U- Discussion Questions

Paper instructions:
ECT 680 – Unit I
Ethical Considerations in Research

In all the world and in all of life there is nothing more important to determine than what is right.Whatever the matter which lies before us calling for consideration, whatever the question asked us or the problem to be solved, there is some settlement of it which will meet the situation and is to be sought. . . . Wherever there is a decision to be made or any deliberation is in point, there is a right determination of the matter in hand which is to be found and adhered to, and other possible commitments which would be wrong and are to be avoided.

C.I. Lewis, The Ground and the Nature of Right


• Describe the accepted standards for Ethical Research or Research Integrity.

• Identify Ethical Dilemmas and the Potential Causes in the research.

• Demonstrate the ability to evaluate ethical and unethical research behaviors.

• Evaluate ‘whistle-blowing’ and the potential consequences for all parties.

• Demonstrate the skill to apply ethical thinking to everyday problems encountered in research.


Why study ethical considerations in research?Isn’t this a waste of time?One is either ethical or not?Right?Is it in fact a matter of being ethical or not?Or, is it a matter of not having previously considered the implications of decisions?Is it perhaps a naiveté?

Let us consider for a moment a graduate student faced with the choice of not completing their degree or completing a dissertation with less than accurate data.Or course, one might say, “I would never do that.”But, would you?Perhaps not.However, it is much easier to confront the ethical dilemma if one has previously considered the situation, the consequences and has formed one’s own sense of ethics.The Harvard Business School uses the case study method for just this reason.Using the case study method—one considers a case, makes decisions and presents the responses without the threat of a major business failure resulting from improper decisions.Much the same way, this unit in research ethics will present the learner with the opportunity to consider choices and consequences without harm being done to one’s professional standing.The hope is that by having the opportunity to study this area—one will have a firm foundation upon which to embark on research with ethics and integrity.

As we complete this module we will visit the Online Ethics Center at the National Academy of Engineering(http://www.onlineethics.org/) and investigate some ethics cases and how they apply in the research community.

This learning experience will take us to the On Being a Scientist home page at
http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/obas/index.html, which is a service of National Academy Press (NAP). NAP is the publisher for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council.

The National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other grants sources require a statement of instruction in the responsible conduct of research as a part of the grant proposal.Therefore, the education of graduate students in research ethics and integrity is not just a desirable inclusion to the curriculum; it is a requirement for the furthering of one’s professional development.

At the conclusion of this unit learners should have an understanding of the importance of practicing integrity in research.If researchers are to build upon the work of others, we must be able to accept reported findings.If there is a loss of trust, that loss impacts the work of the entire research community.The assignments in this unit will help guide you through your own discovery and development process toward becoming a researcher with integrity.

The article “Government and the Freedom of Science” that we will use in part two is available in the “Course Documents” portion of our Blackboard site.


Remember to share information with your fellow learners.Use our “Unit I” Forum Folder for this purpose.You are expected and required to share information to enrich the experience of other members in your class (including the professor).

2. Explore Freedom of Exploration and Ethical Responsibility and Summarize:

Explore and find sources that enrich your concept of ethics.

Access for example, On-Line Science Ethics Resources

Prepare a one-page summary on sites you’ve investigated.Discuss what you found valuable at that site and how the site enhanced your thinking regarding ethics in research.

Post your summary for the professor and your group mates.

Access the article “Government and the Freedom of Science” by John T. Edsall.

(The pdf is included in the ‘Course Documents’ portion of Blackboard)

Read the article with an eye toward the freedom of inquiry and ethical issues.

Prepare a one-page or less summary of your perspective on this article.

Post your summary for the professor and your classmates.

Read the postings of your fellow learners.

Post a comment or question regarding at least two of the postings from each section of this assignment.

3. Explore Online Ethics Center, Whistle-Blowing and summarize your findings.

Access “Online Ethics Center” at the National Academy of Engineering at:

Select one case each from “Computers and New Technology,” “Professional Practice,”
“Responsible Research,” and “Safety and the Environment.”

Read the selected cases and be prepared to answer questions from classmates about them.

Prepare a list of the selected cases, and an outline of one of them along with your opinion.

Post your list of cases and the outline of one of them for the professor and your classmates.

Access “Scientific Whistleblowers Stress That The Media Are A Last Resort.”
[A version of this article can be found in Blackboard’s “Course Documents”.]

Read the article.

Prepare a commentary on this article.

Post your commentary.

Access “Misconduct in Science,” “Fabrication in a Grant Application,” and “A Case of Plagiarism” at:http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/obas/contents/misconduct.html(Starting at page 16)

Read the articles.

Prepare a commentary on the articles and answer the questions posed at the end of
“Fabrication in a Grant Application” and “A Case of Plagiarism.”

Post your commentary and answers.

Read the postings of your fellow learners

Post at least one comment or question regarding a posting for each section of this assignment.

Respond to any questions asked of you.