AT least five scholarly or reputable sources (your text book must be a source), doublespaced. APA/MLA format with correct citations. Need an outline to turn in by 10/25/2017 An outline of the basic structure of your paper. Your outline should set up the organization for your paper. Your outline should include 7 POSSIBLE SOURCES. You will only need 5. Choose a 30minute sitcom that was created in the past 10 years. Watch (23) episodes so that you have enough research. Do you notice any racial representations? If so, what? Then choose and older :30 minute sitcom. Something from at least 20 years ago. Watch several episodes. Do you notice any racial representations? If so, what? How are they different from/similar to the more current representations? (NOTE: This paper relies on the fact that you can pull out racial differences between the two shows; watching a show that has none is not going to help you write this paper)