Assеssment item 4
Imрlementаtion presentation
Length: 2500 qualitу words.
This assessment foсuses on implementation of marketing strategy of Tassal group, examine the tools for strategy (сhp 12) implementation and including Value Chain Analysis.
Please select 2 approaches to implement your strategy and briefly explain the benefits of their usage in an organisation of your choice. Choose one of the models and using academic and organisational resources, show how the model (such as SWOT, mckinsey 7s and Porter’s Five Forces )could be informed (populated or used) within the organisation.
Market evolution:
• Strategies for growth market
o Strategies for market leader
o For market challengers
• Strategies for competitive turbulence
• Strategies for mature markets
• Strategies for declining markets
o Profitable survivor strategy
o Harvesting strategy
Also, you have to mention:
• Market development strategies
o New geographic market, expand to new market
o New market channels
• Product innovation
Show how you would roll out the model in terms of collecting information and using the model, through electronic communications, personal interactions, meetings and any support activities you might need i.e an off site location, competitive shop, other research etc. Include job titles of people you’d expect to contribute to the process.
Finally, provide a summary of how the findings will influence marketing strategy for the firm.
Make sure you provide pictures and graphs to support your idea
This assignment is about understanding and applying 1 or more strategic development tools Model to develop marketing strategy for a known organisation. It can be any organisation large or small, NFP (not for profit) or commercial, but focus should be on a single SBU, Brand or span of control. It also asks you to justify why you think a particular strategic development tool is appropriate. This assessment is also marked on the quality of your presentation and how convincing it is. A key aspect of any acceptance of strategy within an organisation by top management.
This assessment meets one of the most important learning outcomes of this subject:
• be able to develop an integrated strategic marketing plan with appropriate and measurable strategic marketing goals
Marking criteria
HD: 100% – 85% DI: 84% – 75% CR: 74% – 65% PS: 64% – 50% FL: 49% – 0% Grade
Assimilation & integration (depth and breadth of analysis and quality of research). With minimum guidance can transform abstract data and concepts towards a given purpose and can design novel solutions Can reformat a range of ideas/information towards a given purpose Can collect/collate and categorise ideas and information in a predictable and standard format Partially collects/collates and categorises information in a structured way No organisation of ideas and information /8
Clarity of written expression (well structured and logical flow of ideas). Shows a polished and imaginative approach to the topic Carefully and logically organised Shows organisation and coherence Shows some attempt to organise in a logical manner Disorganised/incoherent /4
Professional presentation (checked for layout of report, word count, spelling, typographical and grammatical errors). Fluent writing style appropriate to document. Grammar and spelling accurate. Language fluent. Grammar and spelling accurate Language mainly fluent Grammar and spelling mainly accurate Meaning apparent, but language not always fluent Grammar and/or spelling contain errors Meaning unclear and/or grammar and/or spelling contain frequent errors /4
APA 6th Referencing (In-text and in the reference list) Referencing is consistently accurate Referencing is mainly accurate Referencing is mainly accurate Some attempt at referencing Referencing is absent/ unsystematic /4
A comprehensive business style report is required that contextualises the use of 1 or a number of strategy tools within a specific organisational context. A good communication document that might be presented inside an organisation that is well researched, original and usable will score high marks.
Well researched, well sign-posted, well referenced, original and usable investigation into application of strategy development tools.