Assignment Paper

Organize your thoughts and write an essay which synthesizes evidence from at least two sources (one
source is Into the Wildand the others you’ll find on this document below). Your essay must develop an
argument about a theme you found in the book.
Our goal is to strengthen your ability to:
● Develop an argument about a theme (this is a statement you create about a motif/subject in the book).
Example: Motif = Love. Theme = Love stinks.
○ Your theme must be universal in that, it isn’t just about Chris McCandless or the book, but could be
applied to life and the reader as well.
● Find evidence to support your theme.
● Synthesize textual evidence from at least two sources (one source is Into the Wild ).
● Cite your sources when you integrate that textual evidence.
Here are some motifs to consider as you read and think about the text:
Resilience/Mental Health Risks vs. Benefits Family vs. Personal Identity
Survival Nature Freedom vs. Social responsibility
● Minimum of 6 pieces of evidence; at least 3 from Into the Wildand 3 from other sources.
● 2 instances of synthesis between sources.
○ Synthesis means you use two different sources in the same paragraph and reference them in the same
sentence followed by analysis using both texts. For example: “In both Into the Wildand ______it is clear
○ More info about synthesis: [Example] Great Synthesis
● 1 clearly defined theme (thesis) Statement – You don’tneed a full introduction paragraph.
● Multiple main idea (body) paragraphs – Number of paragraphs is determined by your organization of
ideas and
evidence (but it can’t just be one paragraph. Aim for 2-5 body paragraphs of varying lengths).
● 1 conclusion paragraph that restates the theme (thesis) statement and provides final thoughts.
● A works cited page of the sources you quoted within your essay.
Here’s the Works Cited info for Into the Wild : Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild . AnchorBooks. 1997.
● 12 point, Times New Roman, double spaced (sticks to the template format).
● Adheres to the [Rubric] Into the Wild Essaydocument.
● 1 writing conference with your teacher.
1. Decide on your theme (thesis) statement.
2. Begin your outline and brainstorm: Complete the next step as you work on this step (both steps
You can work on the outline in any order you want. Feel free to skip around as you add to it.
3. Select Textual Evidencefor your essay from Into the Wild and at least one other source.
Add your evidence to your outline as you find it.
● [Video] Themes and Motifs- (Love = motif, Love stinks = theme)
● Discussion boards for Into the Wild(specifically, the quotes you posted and your thoughts on them).
● [Outline] Into the Wild Essay – Found below on this document
● Discussion boards for Into the Wild (specifically, the quotes you
posted and your thoughts on them). ● [Example] Into the WildOutline
● [Text] Into the Wild
● Discussion boards for Into the Wild (specifically, the quotes you
posted and your thoughts on them).
● [Video] Carine McCandless – Your DNA Does Not Define You ● [Transcript] Carine McCandless – Your
DNA Does Not Define
Steps for writing
Once you finish your outline, move on to You
the next step.
● [Text] Behind The Famous Story, A Difficult ‘Wild Truth’
● [Text] The Beatification Of Chris Mccandless: From Thieving
Poacher Into Saint
● [Text] Into the Wild Paradox and the Merchandising of
Christopher McCandless
● [Text] ‘Into the Wild’ Bus, Seen as a Danger, Is Airlifted From
the Alaskan Wild
● [Text] Characteristics Of Resilient People
● [Text] The Most Incredible Wilderness Survival Stories Ever ● [Text] To Build a Fire by Jack London
● [Text] Civil Disobedience
● Other sources (based on your own research)
● [Your Into the Wild Essay] Write Here – This document is on Schoology. You’ll write your essay on it. You
won’t get it until after you’ve finished the book.
● [Example] Synthesis Paragraph Steps
● [Example] Great Synthesis-For understanding synthesis ● [Example] Academic Phrases and Transitions
● [Video] Mr. Adams Teaches Synthesis Paragraphs
● [Your Into the Wild Essay] Write Here -This document is on Schoology. You’ll write your essay on it. You
won’t get it until after you’ve finished the book.
4. Write your Body Paragraphs on the template.These resources will show you how to write each paragraph, step by step. Make sure you look at each of
5. Write your Conclusion Paragraph on the template.
These resources will show you how to
write a conclusion paragraph, step by step. Make sure you look at each of them.
6. Put together your Works Cited pageand add it to the template.
These resources will help you create the Works Cited info for your essay.
7. Proofread and double checkyour essay. Check it against the rubric and requirements.Then submityour
finished essay on Schoology. You will submit the template document with your essay written on it.
● [Example] Literary Conclusion Paragraph Steps
● [Video] Mr. Adams Teaches Conclusion Paragraphs
● [Your Into the Wild Essay] Write Here -This document is on Schoology. You’ll write your essay on it. You
won’t get it until after you’ve finished the book.
● Into the Wildcitation: Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild . AnchorBooks. 1997.
● [Example] Literary Works Cited Page
● [Website] Creates Works Cited info (better than Easybib) ● [Video] Mr. Adams Teaches
Works Cited Information
● [Rubric] Into the WildEssay
● Submit on Schoology. I’ll only accept the template document
(not a copy you make yourself).
● You’ll also submit on
(Optional) [Outline] Into the Wild Essay
Instructions: Complete the outline below, including textual evidence from [Text] Into the Wildand at least
one other text from those provided above (and throughout the unit). Feel free to modify the outline as
needed. If you need help, take a look at this example: [Example] Into the WildOutline
Motif and Theme
(You don’t need to write this part in the essay)
Your theme (thesis) statement:
1st main idea:
1st main idea about theme/thesis statement?:
Textual evidence from Into Page #: the Wild:
Commentary and analysis:
Textual evidence from other source:
Source title
(and page # if possible) :
Synthesis and analysis:
Optional – Add up to 2 more pieces of evidence for this idea
Textual evidence from Into Page # or
the Wild or other source: source title:
Synthesis and/or analysis:
Textual evidence from Into Page # or the Wild or other source : source title:
Synthesis and analysis:
2nd main idea:
2nd main idea about theme/thesis statement?:
Textual evidence from Into Page #: the Wild:
Commentary and analysis:
Textual evidence from other source:
Source title
(and page # if possible) :