Taos Blue Lake

Taos Blue Lake: Taos Pueblo’s battle to regain access to Blue Lake. of Blue Lake began in 1848 when the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceded control of the mountain where Blue Lake resides from Mexico over to
the United States. Settlers began to move into the region and to exploit the timber and other resources of
the area. Tao’s access to the lake was severely restricted subject to permit use only. In other words, the
people of Taos Pueblo had to get permission and a permit to practice their religion. In 1924, the U.S.
government tried to offer a financial compensation package to Taos’s people, but the people insisted on the
full title to the lake. Finally, President Nixon signed an Act of Congress ceding the title of Blue Lake and
surrounding 1640 acres to Taos Pueblo. The Pueblo’s web site names the acquisition of the sacred Blue
Lake as the most important event in its history.
make sure with your paper that you include a description about how the event is an example of American
Indian liberation and/or revitalization.
Intro: will be about the issue of Taos Blue lake
2&3: will be about the people whom fought for the Taos Blue Lake
4&5: will be how the earned their lands back
6&7 the impact that Taos Blue Lake gave to the American Indians
8: my insight and how I felt and reaction to the Taos Blue Lake incident
Conclusion: wrapping it up about how the Taos Blue Lake is an example of American Indian liberation
and/or revitalization.
The Research Project is an opportunity for the student to express, in a manner of their choosing, an indepth understanding of an American Indian Liberation Movement or related issue or topic. Students can
write a 6 to 8 page traditional research paper.project must introduce the issue or topic, reveal the student’s
understanding of the topic including its history, players, which American Indian community or communities
it is impacting, questions that are and have been raised, and any outcomes or ongoing debates. following
styles such as Chicago Manual of Style, MLA, or APA. Use double-spacing, a font of 12 points, margins at
1 inch for the sides and top and bottom. A bibliography or Works Cited is required with at least five (5)
additional sources (3 books, journals, newspaper articles, CDs, and 2 websites) for both a traditional paper
as well as for any other form of presenting the project.