Popular and Serious: Modernism, The Avant garde and Punk

Typed, double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman, standard 1” margins, 3-4 pages,must be turned in as a wor
use proper citation formatting as agreed upon with your TA (Chicago, MLA, etc.)
Prompt:In discussing how meaning of popular music is made, Simon Frith argues that the meaning is created
musicological reasons” (31). This unit has applied Frith’s idea to the divide between popular and serious musi
ask you to think about and discuss this divide more critically to explore the sociological, rather than musicolog
different categorizations.The beginning of your paper should provide context and consider the three main artis
discusses: modernism, the avant-garde, and popular music. What movements and artists from this unit can be
category? What are their goals and what types of techniques do they use to achieve these goals? What are s
similarities between these types of art? Then, consider the divide between “popular” and “serious” art despite
and overlaps in the examples from this course. In your opinion, what is the difference between popular and se
audience, mediation, the body/mind difference, or something else entirely? It’s up to you to decide what socio
these two categories! Your argument must be backed up with support from the readings/course lectures, and
of at least onemusical/artistic example from this unit. You are also encouraged to make connections to other m
course.Use no outside sources.html)
Details (IMPORTANT): For this paper, you will be discussing the sociological differences between capital “A” A
music. Remember from Jillian’s second lecture: if they’re so similar in the goals behind the music and in their
technique, what makes them different, and why do we define them as different? You will first discuss the THR
—modernism, the avant-garde, and punk—and the three artists/band discussed in the chapter. The bulk of yo
THESISwill be arguing what makes the punk (popular) different from the modernism and avant-garde (serious
from the following or can come up with more ideas: the body/mind difference, audience/mediation, and/or som
encouraged to choose more than one factor!Please remember that in this paper, you are writing a full paper a
include a full introduction, a body section including BOTH parts of the prompt, and a conclusion. All of this mu
format.This paper must be turned in as a Microsoft Word document!!For this paper, YOU MUST: 1)Have a the
argument and a reason why you are making this argument. This thesis needs to argue what it is that makes p
and serious music as different from the above elements or elements of your own choosing. You need to expla
use “I believe” or “I think” or “This paper discusses.” Just state your thesis. Your thesis MUST be at the end of
2)Dedicate only ONE THIRD of the paper to the first part of the prompt (discussing the three types of music—
movements/artists are associated with each genre; the goals and the techniques each genre used to achieve
similarities between these three types of music). The second half of the prompt (discussing what makes serio
different and backing yourthesis with readings, lecture, AND AT LEAST ONE MUSICAL/ARTISTICEXAMPLE)
THIRDS and should be the meat of your paper.
3)Make sure you format your papers so that they are easy to follow. Do NOT jump back and forth between top
point B to point C, etc.
4)Use at least THREE readings and lecture in your paper.You will need both lectures but PARTICULARLY the
7 to complete the paper successfully.Also, include at least one musical example into which you delve deeply t
must MENTION all 3 compositions(Four Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op. 7by Webern; One for Violin Soloby N
Anarchy in the UKby The Sex Pistols) in your paper.
5)Include a works cited page AND in-text citations. I recommend MLA formatting, as it is easiest. Here is a go
at how to cite sources via MLA:
reminder that you are NOT allowed to use outside resources for this paper. This includes Wikipedia and Cour
other scholarly sources not given to you by Jillian in this class.
Other Requirements: •You MUST have a title, which is not Music 15 Paper!•You MUST be within the page lim
must be at least 3/4 of the way down the thirdpage for it to count as “threepages,” and you CANNOT go past t
the fifthpage for it to count as “fourpages.”If you are outside the page limit, I will take off 7 points for under the
for over the page limit.•Your introductionshould go from broad (but not too broad; don’t start with “throughout h
impacted society”) to specific.I’d recommend starting with a discussion of serious and popular music and/or in
genres you’ll be discussing, making note of the three artists/band. Then, transition to your argument about ser
art.Finally, your introductionmustend with your thesis.•Make an outline! This will help you organize your thoug
where your paper is lacking (do you have evidence? Quotes? Musical examples?)This is why we had you do
assignment!!!•You do NOT need to quote lecture. Paraphrasing is fine. But you DO need to cite Jillian.•I would
choosing AT LEAST TWO reasons why serious and popular music are considered differentin your argument.
Based on the Batch of Outlines•Do not start your introduction with broad, sweeping statements. It just takes u
don’t have much of for this paper) and does nothing for your argument.•Do not forget to add a reason to back
your thesis! Why do you think these things make serious and popular music seem so different? This will help y
point.•TIE ALL OF YOUR EXAMPLES BACK TO YOUR THESIS!!!!! Why are you using that piece of music? T
argument. So tie it back; tell me why (ain’t nothing but a heartache… where are my Backstreet Boys fans at?)a
argument.Just because you know doesn’t mean I do.•Give details about the musical example you choose. Jill
job of explaining the three pieces and telling you about the particularsofeach one. What’s weird or different or
What’s important to this genre that you can hear or see in this music? How does it connect to the other pieces
different? How does the piece you chose relate to other kinds of art during its time? Talk about those details, a
BACK TO YOUR THESIS!!!•Make sure you check your spelling and grammar, as these will count towards you
papers. Do not use colloquialisms (language you would use when speaking in your everyday life) in your pape
writing. Especially check the spelling of important words from the unit, such as the art forms or the composers
to include Jillian Fischer in your works cited page AND in your in-text citations.Heading & Saving Your Doc Asnclude:•Your name
•My name (Naomi Merer)•Section date & time in which you are enrolled•Date paper is due (If you have an ext
date)Please save your document as: YOUR LAST NAME Section time. EG: STEINTuesday8amWorks Cited P
Formatting•If you do not have any in-text citations, you will lose 10 points.•If you do not have a works cited pa
points.•You will lose UP TO 5 points per formatting error in works cited/in-text citation.•When in doubt, use the
citations page I posted above.•For in-text citations, the following is CORRECT formatting for MLA: (Author pag
(Smith 32). DO NOT put a comma between the author last name and the page number. You do NOT need to
article in your in-text citations.•For citing Jillianin text, just write (Fischer).•You DO NOT need to cite musical e
text citations or in the works cited page.For citing lecture, go to the MLA Purdue Owl website, scroll down. On
list of types of sources. Click on “Other Common Sources”. Then scroll down to “Speeches, Lectures, or Othe
Use this form
Links to the music listening portion: IMPORTANT
Nam June Paik(1932-2006)One for Violin Solo (1962

Anton Webern(1883-1945)Four Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op. 7(1910)

The Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK(1977)