Rehabilitating Offenders Assessment Two

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Leаrnіng Outсоmes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6
Weіght: 50%

Criteria & Marking:

Your essay will be marked aсcording to the following criteria:

1. Written expression is clear and coherent, and in your own words.

2. Grammar, spelling, and referencing are consistently correct.

3. The essay is well structured, with an introduction, body, and conclusion, and with appropriate use

of sentences, paragraphs, and headings.

4. The content of the essay is appropriate to the topic.

5. References are made to relevant research and theories in order to develop treatment plan.

6. Selected interventions are appropriate to the problem, and are clearly and accurately described.

7. Conclusions are appropriately cautious, and program evaluation is addressed.

8. A list of references appears at the end of the essay, and references match in-text citations.


Length: Maximum 2500 words

Select one of the following case studies:

1) Bill is a 15-year-old boy beginning a 2-year sentence for theft. He has a very long history of crime and has had previous community-based sentences and contact with the CJS. Almost all of his offences are drug related. He has had a serious drug abuse problem since first using Cannabis at age 9. At various times he has used LSD, and other hallucinogens, ‘party drugs’ like Ecstasy, and Heroin. Over the last few years he has been using amphetamines on average once per week. Bill comes from a relatively well-off family and attends a private school. He presents in interview as an articulate, high achieving young man. His descriptions of his upbringing suggest that his mother was an indulgent parent who could see no wrong in her son, while his father was a distant figure who divorced his mother and now periodically attempts to enforce a strict discipline regime. Over the years he has stolen from most members of the family, but continues to have the support of his mother. In discussing his crimes, Bill expresses remorse and claims he is ready to go straight, but family members and youth workers close to him suggest that this is not the case.

2) Peter is a 49-year-old prisoner 2 years into a 7-year sentence for the sexual assault of children. Peter was a scout master and was arrested after 12 former scouts came forward and claimed they had been sexually assaulted by him during scout activities over the last 10 years. The victims were all boys, aged between 10 and 14. Peter was a pillar of the local community and his arrest was greeted with disbelief from those who knew him. He was a lay-preacher at the local church, and was actively involved in a Safety House program. Peter claimed that the offences began after his wife had become paraplegic as the result of a car accident, placing great strain on him as well as effectively putting an end to their sexual relationship. During initial assessment with the psychologist he claims that when he was a child he was a victim of sexual abuse from an uncle. He expresses great shame about his behaviour and at times is even suicidal. He is very keen to return to youth work with his church, and says although he feels awful about his sexual offences he knows that he has a special affinity with children, especially boys.

Present a case study on your selected individual focussing on the development of an appropriate treatment plan for their problematic behaviours. Your essay should include:

– a clear identification and description of the problem behaviour.

– exactly what problems, concerns, behaviours or cognitive distortions need to be addressed

– conceptualisation of the problem – how can we understand and explain the onset and origin of the offending behaviour? What theoretical approach might assist us in understanding the nature and extent of this behaviour

– what therapeutic approach do you recommend? What sort of rehabilitation program should the individual engage in and why?

– How would you evaluate the outcomes? How would you know if the program was effective? What would success look like?

– based on the current literature, how successful do you believe the program is likely to be for this individual?

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