Engagement Strategy

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#1 Lorella
Lorella is a 61 year old trans* Caucasian female who is seeing you for case management services. She is gaunt in appearance and is slow to speak with her words. She is currently living in a hotel and appears to be wearing dirty clothes. She tells you that she is able to afford living in a hotel when she gets her social security check at the beginning of the month but by the middle of the month, she sleeps in her car or a family friend’s home because she runs out of money due to the cost of her hormones. She is seeking case management services for money management and food assistance. She says that she had put her nephew in charge of her bank account a few years ago but he did not manage her funds well and she lost all of her savings. She would like to get to a place of having funds again, but she feels that until she is done transitioning, no one will hire her for work as a flight attendant. She says she’s been to a few social workers before, but like all cisgender people, hasn’t felt like she is truly understood and that there are people out there who know how to help.
#2 Mika & Joe
Mika is a Japanese-American 45 year old female and Joe is a 39 year old African-American male who are meeting with you to discuss their desire to have a baby. Mika says she has been
trying to get pregnant for about a year but has had no success. Mika reports that she only has “one chance” for in-vitro since her employer’s insurance will only pay for a portion of it and she only has savings for one co-pay. She feels it is Joe’s sperm that is affecting them as he has been smoking marijuana daily for most of his adult life and Mika read somewhere that marijuana can decrease his sperm count. Joe immediately yells at Mika for telling you that information and tells both of you that he is here to support Mika, but not to discuss his personal life. He has two other children with his ex-wife and he has had no problem in trying to conceive before now. Joe appears guarded and only speaks when prompted by you or Mika. Mika is open and appears anxious to push blame on Joe, but isn’t open about her own personal feelings regarding health and lifestyle.
Please consider the following questions in your engagement strategies:
This paper is only about engagement.
1. What is (are) the major obstacle(s) in engaging this client?
2. What is your clinical countertransference in working with this client? Please use the first person tense for this section.
3. What does the literature/research say about engagement with this client?
4. What is your strategy to engage this client considering all your answers above?
Academic Paper Guidelines
Select 1 of the vignettes. The paper should be 4-6 pages in length (not counting the title page or reference list), double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides, with 12 point Times New Roman font. Insert page numbers with the title page. Use subheadings (in bold font) to organize your paper. See APA Manual p. 62 for levels of headings. Do not restate the vignette or the questions in your paper, though you can identify the client as a subheading, if desired. Throughout the paper, please provide conceptual and empirical evidence to support your intervention, referencing a minimum of 4 scholarly works (at least 1 of those must be found outside of the 544 syllabus). Use editorial referencing styles as specified in the APA Publication Manual 6th Edition (http://apastyle.apa.org/).
The title page should be formatted as follows:
SOWK 544
Assignment #1: Engagement Strategy
[Student Name]
[Course Instructor]
The evaluation of the paper will be based on whether you addressed all aspects of the assignment, the quality of your written work (graduate level writing, organization, flow, clarity, depth, mechanics of writing such as grammar, spelling, etc.), and the correct application of APA style. Avoid citing from only one source to support entire sections of your paper.
Proofread and edit your work.
It is expected that students will be responsible for submitting their own work and not the work of other students. If you study with other students, be conscious of shaping and writing your own work, and not relying on a “group” consensus of what should go in the paper.

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