Case study report – Operations

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This аssignment сontains two рarts. The first part assesses уour knowledge about QFD and implementation of HoQ in a companу. The second part aims to evaluate your understanding on the concepts of process strategy and layout design.

Part A

Select an Australian manufacturing-based company with which you are familiar, and then choose a product from that company. Develop a House of Quality (HoQ) for the selected company and product to analyse the ‘customer wants’ and ‘product hows’, and benchmark your product with the rivals’ product.

You are required to provide:

•the necessary/available background about the company and their quality management strategy
•a brief literature review of five (5) published peer-reviewed articles on the importance of quality management in your report
• a House of Quality (HoQ) for your selected product.

Part B

Identify the most relevant process strategy to your chosen product from Part A. Provide justification and academic discussion on why this is the most suitable process strategy for your product. Finally, select a layout strategy and design a layout that best suits your selected product.

You are required to provide:

•the necessary/available background about the process strategy of your selected company
•a brief literature review of five (5) published peer-reviewed articles on process and layout strategies
•design a theoretical layout for production of the selected product.

Report format

Your report should be in the following format.

•Cover page ◦Assessment title and student number.

•Table of contents

•Executive summary
•Introduction ◦Company background, description of product/service selected, justification of selection, etc.

•Part A ◦Literature review – review of the five (5) articles relating to Quality Management.

◦Necessary background about the company’s QM strategies.
◦House of Quality (HoQ).

•Part B ◦Literature review – review of the five (5) articles relating to process and layout strategies.

◦Necessary background about the company’s process and layout strategies.
◦Theoretical layout.

•Suggested improvements ◦Suggestions for improvement to the product and the linkage between Part A and Part B.

•Discussion and conclusions

• References


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