The world of maths

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You are required to write your essay in response to the following quote:

It is crucial to develop in children the ability to tackle problems with initiative and confidence … mathematics has changed from careful rehearsal of standard procedures to a focus on mathematical thinking and communication to prepare them for the world of tomorrow.

(Anghileri, 2006, p. 2)
Your essay should be informed by your understanding of theories and contemporary perspectives of the nature and development of children’s mathematical thinking. Weeks 3 and 4 of your learning materials will give you an understanding of both historical and contemporary perspectives. These weeks also show you the impact of these perspectives upon pedagogy in contemporary education across early childhood and primary contexts.

Essay structure

Introduction: Write a clear introduction which frames the essay (approximately 10% of the word count).

Main body: Identify and briefly discuss the quote to scaffold the following sections of the essay:

Select and justify one theoretical perspective on learning i.e. Constructivism or Behaviourism that you believe is best suited to the learning and teaching of maths.

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the selected theoretical perspective and also explain why it is better suited (in comparison with one other theoretical perspective) to the learning and teaching of maths.
Identify and describe why maths teaching and learning has left behind rehearsal and should be about playfulness, fun and creativity—this links to pedagogy.
Conclusion: Conclude with a detailed summary about the nature and development of mathematical thinking and numeracy processes in children in the 21st century (approximately 10% of the word count).

Reference list: All resources that you have cited in-text in the essay need to be referenced in APA style.

All references to be from 2008-2017

All references to be Australian


A theoretical perspective has been clearly identified, and justified as better suited for teaching and learning in Maths with evidence of further research.

The comparison demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of other theoretical perspectives.
There is adequate evidence that supports the chosen theoretical perspective as more appropriate than others.
Introduction and conclusion are effective, and a cohesive argument is developed across the paragraphs.
Referencing and use of APA formatting of sources are mostly accurate and consistent in-text and in the reference list.

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