Rest Breaks-in reference to the workforce in the United States

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In your Term Paper, be sure to address the following:

  • Background and historical perspective on your topic
  • Current issues related to your topic
  • Your professional experiences/opinions about your topic
  • Make sure to use properly cited academic references to support this information. References will be check through TURNITIN

Expect to take approximately 6-8 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) to complete this assignment. Your work will be graded on completeness, clarity, originality, interest, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Format of assignments should conform to the following criteria:

  • Margins should be 1” in all directions.
  • Papers should be double-spaced and in a highly readable 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana are recommended). Headings may be larger.
  • The paper must follow the academic research format (APA) and (unless otherwise specified) should include a brief abstract or executive summary that explains what the paper is about.
  • Format for in-text citations and the Reference page should also follow APA style.


Criteria Fails Expectations

(0-21 points)

Meets Expectations

(20-22 pts.)

Exceeds Expectations

(23-25 pts.)

Total Points
Content Position or thesis lacks credibility, arguments are not clear or not well supported, sources are not credible or do not support arguments. Position or thesis is credible, sources are credible. Position or thesis is very credible, logical, and research sources are credible and sufficient to support arguments. __/25
Organization and Clarity Concepts presented are unclear or difficult to understand; paper is disorganized and does not follow logical progression. Concepts presented are not organized logically, no coherent summary. Concepts presented are clearly organized and easy to understand, early information leads to later information, coherently summarized. __/25
Creativity and Interest Presents ideas that are clichéd or imitative, does not make topic interesting for reader. Presents widely accepted ideas or discusses topics that are already well known without much attention to original content or reader interest. Presents new ideas and/or old ideas in interesting ways, writing style is formal but maintains interest, includes real-world applications. __/25
Grammar, Spelling,

Punctuation, and APA Formatting

Grammar, spelling, punctuation and/or APA formatting are inappropriate, incorrect and/or unprofessional. Grammar is appropriate, few spelling, punctuation, or APA formatting errors. Grammar is appropriate, spelling, punctuation, and APA formatting is accurate. __/25
Total ___/100


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