Global Leadership         

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 Global Leadership         

Module Description

It would be more beneficial if you develop an aim and a set of objectives for the entire piece of work. These could be extracted from the learning outcomes and turned into a set of ‘research questions’ (before getting transformed into aim and objectives). I believe these will help you developing a better focus for your assignment.

  • The assessment will be a patchwork text in a critical style and report writing of 6,000 word equivalent. The essay should address the module learning outcomes, and written well from a UK writer, and preferably UK based researched. Harvard Anglia v6 -Style of Referencing (lower case) need to be done, throughout. Please see last below instructions about this.


  • Create a title to the essay. The essay should be on: Narcotic Drug Abuse, in relationship to the topic module. ( This has to be a global problem and then you can end up looking at it in detail (e.g. at national or organisational level). Please strictly refer to the learning outcomes and marking criteria as indicated below. (ie: What is the problem? Why is it important? What the factors contributing to it becoming a global problem? What are the causes of this problem? If these causes are not addressed, what will/can happen?… ) We are to investigate a global problem and explaining the rationale of that problem. Furthermore we have to explain the role of leadership in that problem. Discuss how did leadership contributed to that problem (this could be in making it worse or making it better)? So you need to critically evaluate this contribution using leadership theories (including the MisLeadership Concept where relevant) An organisation does not necessarily mean your workplace. In general, an organisation could be a company, a network/chain of entities (e.g. trusts), a national organisation (e.g. NHS), a governmental organisation/authority (e.g. Department of Health). In all cases, I am confident that you must find something that has a relation with your global topic so please try to have a flexible mind.


  • The lecturer had recommend that one to have a good look how journal papers are structured and designed (in terms of length of paragraphs, tables, figures etc.) and encouraged us to develop something similar. You are also encouraged to use issues from workplace with real data/information. You can of course use tables, graphs etc. In fact, I would really encourage you doing so as this adds value to your work in terms of evidence. UK based research is essential.


  • The essay should be structured so that it follows academic convention by demonstrating the flow of argument related to the topic.  The essay should have clear and distinct sections such as introduction, a middle section which identifies the background, evidential support to help establish this as a concern; discussion which brings together the key concepts with rationale for selection and a critique of theory, with application and supported by peer reviewed literature. The essay should provide a summary of findings which act as the conclusion. Signposting are to be used, throughout.


  • Methodology/Evidence collection/Search Strategy are important.
  • The Pass/Failure depends on “Argument Development”, “Analysis” and “Performance improvement” sections.
  • Summarizing of diagrams need to be done. Labelling of diagrams should be below the diagrams.
  • A Rich Pictures diagram is requested alongside a COTWOE diagram. These obviously will show your understanding of how to implement these models and more importantly your understanding of the bigger picture and complex systems. When you use the figure of somebody else (i.e. taken from literature), it becomes impossible to develop this understanding (from lecturer point of view) and thus does not mark you up for it. You can use root cause analysis etc.


  • Personal reflection on the subject is paramount. My reflection on the subject is: This was given by tutor: ​Quote 1: “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” – Sam Walton

My thought: Personally great leaders inspire their staff to reach higher and eventually dream bigger to achieve greater. My leadership philosophy is to provide inspiration to my team. Most important as leader is to be open so one can recognise his own faults, with the aim to grow as a leader and as a person.

  • Arguments need to be developed gradually and nicely using evidence from literature, theoretical models. Use good amount of learning and application of theories throughout. One can relate these through place of work, and make sure that you demonstrate the depth understanding by combing the evaluation, review and analysis and use the real world.
  • On the reflection side need to be explicit, about the writer rather than on the topic.
  • Follow all Learning outcomes, throughout. Use leadership theories (including the MisLeadership Concept where relevant).

Learning Outcomes and Outline Delivery

Knowledge and understanding
1. Critically evaluate major global issues and the extent to which they are caused by the actions of humanity, contemporary decision making methods, inappropriate focus and business paradigms.

  1. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the emerging role and responsibility of ‘business’ and leaders in such deliberations and actions.

Intellectual,practical,affective &transferable skills
3. Propose, and critically evaluate, potential approaches to solving such issues, including development of new paradigms, broader focus and decision making approaches.
4. Critically reflect on their personal position and skill base in developing the context of leadership.


To examine the fitness of a ‘business’ in a range of sectors and individuals to tackle global issues. These learning outcomes can be understood in the following ways.
(L.O. 1) Critically evaluate major global issues and the extent to which they are caused by the actions of humanity, contemporary decision making methods, inappropriate focus and business paradigms.
Major global issues such as Global Warming, pollution events, extremes weather events and major disasters (Heat, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), Pandemics (HIV and AIDS), Global Recession (the banking crisis) obesity and famine all have a profound impact on the delivery of Health and Social care.
The responsibility for contextualising and managing these events lies with the leadership in the organisation and this is explored using theories surrounding decision making, risk assessment and major incident planning.
(L.O. 2) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the emerging role and responsibility of ‘business’ and leaders in such deliberations and actions.
With the development of the global environment, 21st century leaders can feel helpless in the face of the challenges. The responsibility for proposing and implementing solutions at a local level is evaluated and the effectiveness of the strategies analysed
(L.O. 3) Propose, and critically evaluate, potential approaches to solving such issues,
including development of new paradigms, broader focus and decision making approaches.
“Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions” is a management mantra. Global issues can be tackled locally with imagination and flair, creating the correct context for health providers to flourish and influence their global impact. This is at a corporate as well as individual level and may involve “out of the box”thinking

(L.O. 4) Critically reflect on their personal position and skill base in developing the context of leadership.
Leaders predominately create context. The role of individuals is key in promoting a positive environment in which excellence can flourish. The importance of emotional intelligence, organisational culture and the individual’s impact on creating this environment is examined, with an exploration of the skill set and competencies required


  • Sections are not to be too long which risks the reader to lose the point you are leading him to. Create sections and sub sections if need be to highlight the major issues you are discussing.

For example:

  1. Introduction

1.1 Issue 1

1.1.1 Sub-issue 1.1

1.1.2 Sub-issue 1.2

1.2 Issue 2

1.3 Issue 3

  1. Methodology

2.1 Data collection

2.2 Data analysis




Anon n.d. Global Challenges. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative – GRLI. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. Health Service Journal – Official Subscription Website. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. Homepage – Serving the information needs of the disaster reduction community. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. Recent trends in leadership: Thinking and action in the public and voluntary service sectors | The King’s Fund. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. The knowledge network about management – 12manage. [online] Available at: <>.

Anon n.d. United Nations Millennium Development Goals. [online] Available at: <>.

Bremer, Marcella, 2012. Organizational Culture Change. Kikker Groep.

Diamond, J.M., 2011. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed. New ed ed. London: Penguin.

Gibson, R., 2015. The four lenses of innovation: a power tool for creative thinking. [online] Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Available at: <;entityid=>.

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E., McKee, A. and Morey, A., 2002. Primal leadership: realizing the power of emotional intelligence. [London?]: Macmillan Audio.

Hartley, J., Benington, J. and MyiLibrary, 2010. Leadership for healthcare. [online] Bristol: Policy Press. Available at: <>.

Mobley, W.H., Li, M. and Wang, Y., 2011. Advances in Global Leadership. [online] Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Available at: <>.

Porter-O’Grady, T. and Malloch, K., 2014. Quantum leadership: building better partnerships for sustainable health. Fourth edition ed. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.

Rayment, J. and Smith, J., 2011. Misleadership: prevalence, causes and consequences. [online] Farnham: Gower Publishing. Available at: <>.

Senge, P.M., 2006. The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. Rev and updated, ed ed. London: Random House Business.

Singh, V.K. and Lillrank, P., 2015. Innovations in Healthcare Management: Cost-Effective and Sustainable Solutions. [online] Oakville: Apple Academic Press Inc. Available at: <>.

Smith, J.A. and Rayment, J.J., 2007. The Global SMP Fitness Framework. Management Decision, [online] 45(2), pp.217–234. Available at: <>.

Zohar, D., 1997. Rewiring the corporate brain: using the new science to rethink how we structure and lead organizations. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler.



  1. Key Text 1 item
    1. Misleadership: prevalence, causes and consequences – John Rayment, Jonathan Smith 2011 (electronic resource)

Book Suggested for Student Purchase This is a key text that explores Leadership from a different perspective that will be explored in some detail during the module

  1. Recommended Books 10 items
    1. Innovations in Healthcare Management: Cost-Effective and Sustainable Solutions – Vijai Kumar Singh, Paul Lillrank 2015

Book Recommended Reading This book was published in March 2015 and copies are have now arrived. This is a particularly interesting text as it concentrates on the Indian sub continent

    1. The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization – Peter M. Senge 2006


Book Recommended Reading

    1. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed – Jared M. Diamond 2011

Book Background Reading

    1. Primal leadership: realizing the power of emotional intelligence – Daniel Goleman, Richard E. Boyatzis, Annie McKee, Arthur Morey c2002 (sound recording)

Book Recommended Reading

    1. Organizational Culture Change – Bremer, Marcella 2012

Book Essential Reading

    1. Leadership for healthcare – Jean Hartley, John Benington, MyiLibrary 2010 (electronic resource)

Book Recommended Reading

    1. Quantum leadership: building better partnerships for sustainable health – Timothy Porter-O’Grady, Kathy Malloch 2014

Book Essential Reading

    1. Rewiring the corporate brain: using the new science to rethink how we structure and lead organizations – Danah Zohar 1997

Book Background Reading This provides an interesting historical perspective

    1. Advances in Global Leadership – William H. Mobley, Ming Li, Ying Wang 2011 (electronic resource)

Book Background Reading

    1. The four lenses of innovation: a power tool for creative thinking – Rowan Gibson 2015 (electronic resource)

Book  A good resource for Unit 5

  1. Journal Articles 3 items
    1. The Global SMP Fitness Framework – Jonathan A. Smith, John J. Rayment 13/03/2007


    1. Recent trends in leadership: Thinking and action in the public and voluntary service sectors | The King’s Fund


    1. Global Challenges


  1. Websites 5 items

This is a list of general websites that contain useful management information

    1. The knowledge network about management – 12manage


    1. Health Service Journal – Official Subscription Website


    1. Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative – GRLI


    1. United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Website Background Reading This is an update on the millennium development goals, which will provide ideas for your Urgent Global Issue



  1. Homepage – Serving the information needs of the disaster reduction community

Important instructions also;

  • You need to follow both Part A and Part B marking criteria through the essay. These two cover the entire set of learning outcome so please make sure you address them carefully. Amalgamate the two parts. The two parts need to be amalgamated in 1 essay.
  • I thought of giving you some more guidance that I hope will help you understanding the purpose of this section (i.e. Part A). The entire section is about evaluating a global problem so this has to be viewed from different angles mostly severity and impact of the problem and leadership. In module 2 you considered the severity and impact of the problem and in module 3 you are expected to continue with the same topic but this time looking at the leadership element. This could be by either discussing how leaders lead (positively) or mislead (negatively) to get to the current status. So using the theory we need to find some answers to the following questions: how did these lead/mislead others? What influential tools did they use? How did they use them? What leadership style(s) did they follow?
  • We are not judging people here but we are evaluating their way of leading/misleading (whichever you think is relevant).

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