SWK 511 Practice Model Comparison

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Analyze models of intervention by choosing two models that would be relevant for use with their client and comparing the role of the social worker, the perspective of the human condition, and the approach for problem solving used in each model.
Models of intervention (choose two to analyze)
• The task-centered model
• The crisis intervention model
• The cognitive restructuring technique
• The solution-focused brief treatment model
• Case management practice
Reference Chapter 13: Planning and Implementing Change-Oriented Strategies-Hepworth, D.H., Rooney, R.H., Rooney, G., Strom-Gottfried, K. (2016). Direct Social work practice: Theory and skills (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Reference one academic source for each model.
Be sure to compare the two models following the guidelines below:
1. The role of the social worker
2. The perspective of the human condition (i.e. “generally bad,” “just needs education,” “basically good at heart, etc” The human condition piece refers to how that model looks at the client. So, for example, in a cognitive restructuring model, the client would be viewed as someone who needs education to learn new ways to think about things. In solution focused, there is an emphasis on identifying strengths for developing solutions because people generally feel constrained by the social construction of their problems.
3. How tasks for improving the client’s problems are assigned or completed.
• Role of the social worker: Analysis provides significant detail about the role of the social worker and compares this role in two social work models/theories.
• Perspective of the human condition: Analysis provides significant detail in comparing the perspective of the human condition from the lens of two different social work models/theories.
• Problem solving approach used: Analysis provides significant detail about how tasks for improving the client’s problems are assigned and completed by comparing the problem-solving approach of two social work models/theories.
• Professional communication: Written work is free from grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors and uses correct APA citation style.

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