Psychological Counselling

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Lowman, R.L. (2016). An introduction to consulting psychology: Working with individuals, groups, and organizations. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Chapter 1: Briefly explain the two types of assessment and the three types of interventions and why they are or are not applicable to your organization.
Chapter 2:Briefly explain the three types of individual assessments and three types of individual-level interventions and why they are or are not applicable to your organization.
Chapter 3: Review the information on the components, structure and processes of groups and teams on pp 46 – 55. Which can you or can’t you apply to the group with which you are most familiar in your organization.
Chapter 4: Briefly describe the 5 organization assessment models and why they are or not applicable to your organization. What insight(s) have you developed about organization-level interventions that are useful for in thinking about your organization?
Chapter 5: On which of the leadership characteristics, competencies and skills on pp 84 -92 would you focus if you were providing training to your organization’s administration/managers/directors etc. and why. (It does not matter if you do not yet possess the knowledge to do the training).
Chapter 6: How does the information on multicultural and international issues covered in this chapter apply to your organization?
Chapter 7:Based on the information in this chapter, the APA ethical guidelines and NJ laws and regulations, which are the most relevant for your organization.
Chapter 8:Which of the ideas presented for developing consulting psychology competencies are your willing to implement?

Kettner, P., Moroney, R., & Martin, L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: An
effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Chapter 1: Answer questions 3 and 5 on p. 18 in reference to your organization.
Chapter 2: None
Chapter 3: Based on the information in this chaper identify a “social problem” then answer as many of the questions on pp 43 -46 as you can based on your current knowledge of the organization.
Chapter 4: Give an example of each of the four types of needs (pp 55 – 61) for your organization. Be sure your needs are appropriate for psychologists to address. For example in Table 4.1 the example of a normative need is not relevant to us as psychologists but the example for the expressed need is.
Chapter 5: Choose one need from those you identified for chapter 4 and explain which measurement method you would use and why.
Chapter 6: Following the information in this chapter create your program hypothesis and explain how it exemplifies the information in this chapter.
Chapter 7: Develop goals and objectives for your organization program and explain how you applied the information in the chapter to do so.
Chapter 8: Define the elements of your program (inputs, throughputs, outputs, outcomes).
Chapter 9: Design a data collection system for your program following steps 1 -5.
Chapter 10 Briefly explain each type of program data and why it is or is not applicable for performance measurement, monitoring and program evaluation for your program.
Chapter 11: Briefly explain each of the three types of impact program evaluation and if it is or is not applicable to your program.
Chapter 12 and 13: Which budgeting model do you think is most appropriate for your organization and why? Which budgeting system would your recommend and why?

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