FEA Analysis

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208MAE Coursework􀀁2016/2017,􀀁Resit
Section B: Finite Element Analysis (total 75 points)
A truss frame depicted in the figure below consists of three elements. All of them have the
same material properties i.e. Young’s modulus E=200 MPa, Poisson’s ratio ‹=0.3, diameter
of circular profile d=10 mm and length L=1 m. The frame is supported by one roller and
one fixed support and is loaded with concentrated force of 2kN at node 3. Using any FEA
software (preferably Abaqus) create a corresponding numerical model and calculate the
✏ ✏

1 (1) 2
Figure 1: Truss frame structure
✏ displacements for all nodes
✏ forces for all nodes
✏ forces in all elements
✏ reaction at supports
✏ stress in all elements.
Verify your FEA results by application of suitable analytical method and hand calculations
of support reactions and forces in elements. Prepare a technical report which includes:
description of the problem, presentation of numerical model, presentation of FEA results,
presentation of hand calculation and comparison between hand calculation results and FEA.
The technical report should not exceed 5 A4 pages and should be written using Arial, 12-
point font size.
208MAE Coursework􀀁2016/2017,􀀁Resit
The coursework will be marked out of 75. The marking scheme for the assessment is given
Coursework component Points
Technical report including language, descriptions of work, figures and limits 25
Nodal displacements (FEA) 5
Nodal forces (FEA) 5
Support reactions (FEA) 5
Forces in all elements (FEA) 5
Stress in all elements (FEA) 5
Support reactions (A) 5
Forces in elements (A) 5
Comparison between analytical method and FEA 15
Total 75
Table 1: Assessment
The coursework needs to be submitted online, see Moodle page for details.
If you need extra support for the coursework, please see available options on the module
Moodle page. There will be extra software support sessions provided for Abaqus software,
and you are welcome to visit lecturers’ Theta hours (see Moodle page for details).

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