Perceptual Mapping Analysis Report-Dominos pizza

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The assignment:


The major goal of this survey project is to create a perceptual map(s). The construction of perceptual maps helps advertising/marketing strategists better understand the positioning of their brand and the positioning of their competitors’ brands in consumers’ mind, not the advertisers’ mind. Commonly, a brand’s position is the way in which consumers perceive the brand on features (attributes) relative to competing brands. However, the method of perceptual mapping is not limited to attributes. You may consider consequences, values, and others (e.g., feminine vs. masculine, usage context, etc.)

For the project, students are to conduct a survey. Each student is required to survey (about 10 minutes) about 5-10 adults who have used the product (Note: The target segment is desirable). Students are responsible to choose:

(1) 2-4 other competing brands in the product category, and

(2) 4-5 dimensions (e.g., attributes, consequences, values, or others) as evaluation criteria.

Prior interview findings/insights and secondary research may help the selection of dimensions. Students need to provide their respondents with a participant information sheet. However, a consent form for them is not required. Students are to inform participants that survey submission is deemed to be consent to take part in the research. Upon survey completion, students analyse the data. Students are then to write up a report for submission of the assessment.

The Report

General directions:

  • Page number to be included as a footer on each page
  • 5 line spacing, with 2.5cm margins
  • Consistent font throughout report, including headings (Times New Roman size 12)
  • QUT APA 6th referencing is followed consistently across all references (in-text and in reference list) (see QUT Cite|Write website:
  • Assignment has been proof-read, checked for spelling errors and grammatical errors.
  • Make sure that the report does not exceed 1200 words (up to +10% would be acceptable).
  • Title page (not in word count): Report title, student name, student number, tutor’s name and tutorial time, word count of assignment body (introduction through to limitations).
  • Table of contents (not in word count).
  • Executive summary/abstract (no more than 150 words, but not part of word count): Provide concise and succinct summary of your report.
  • Introduction (included in word count): In this section, address the major objective(s) of the research, importance of the research, and scope of the report.
  • Method and analysis (included in word count): Address the research method you use (i.e., survey).As noted, the selection of dimensions is critical; thus, justify why you have chosen the dimensions. In addition, explain why you have selected the brands in your survey. Address data collection procedure and sample characteristics (e.g., gender composition, age range, etc.). Provide description of analysis undertaken and a summary table on the mean values of brands/dimensions (see sample 1).
  • I did online survey – for 8 people – between 25-33 – male and female – I choose 4 main dimensions ( cheap, fast delivery, easy online order and quality) based on ( dominos pizza and it competitors) they all under fast food section and they main thing people compare or decide to choose one of them is regarding these dimensions. Secondly, among my primary data and ladders (see consumer analysis report) respondents love dominos based on this dimensions
Brands Cheap Fast delivery Easy online order Quality
Dominos Pizza 2.4 1.62 1.5 2.5
Pizza Hut 2.62 2.5 3 3.25
Papa John’s Pizza 3 2.87 2.87 3
McDonalds 2.5 3.37 2.87 4

Note: A 5-point scale is used; “1” is the most positive response.

  • Findings and implications (included in word count): After reviewing all combinations of two-dimensional maps, address key findings that are interesting and meaningful, then discuss managerial and/or strategic implications that are relevant to advertising. Don’t present all perceptual maps here. Instead, present one or a couple of important perceptual maps to facilitate your discussion (see sample 2). Note that all other perceptional maps should be attached in the appendices section.

slow delivery = less quality

online order effect delivery speed

  • Limitations (included in word count): Address factors that affect the confidence that you have in your findings/implications.

Target small group – because it is a rank questions some of respondents choose randomly (they may choose all of the choices: disagree or N/A)

  • References (not included in word count): List of all cited sources, presented in QUT APA 6th
  • Appendices (not included in word count):
    • Provide all other perceptual maps (those not used in the body of the report).
    • You may attach other relevant and/or supporting material here.

Sample 1: Mean values


Durability Speed Design
Brand 1 4.67 2.67 1.33
Brand 2 1.33 2.67 4.67
Brand 3 3.00 3.33 3.33
Brand 4 4.33 3.67 2.00
Brand 5 2.33 2.67 4.00

Note: A 5-point scale is used; “5” is the most positive response.

Sample 2: A perceptual map

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