Qualitative Analysis Linguistics

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1. In this assignment, you will perform a qualitative analysis. You will first collect YOUR OWN DATA SET – not from an external source (see number 2 for examples of types of data that can be collected). You should conduct a qualitative analysis of your data, ensuring that you address the following points somewhere in your essay:
* Frame a general question you intend to address using the data you have chosen ?
* Conduct a qualitative analysis of the data in order to address this question ?
* Justify your choice of analytic approach ?
* Don’t simply describe the data — attempt an explanation of what is going on: ?
– What is the reasoning behind your explanation??
-What further linguistic or non-linguistic evidence might support your interpretations and inferences?
-Are there any weaknesses (in the theory or the data) in your explanation?
• Is there any way your analysis could be extended or improved with quantitative analysis of some kind?

You are not expected to do extensive library research for this essay. The focus is on conducting a well-argued and well-supported analysis. If, in the course of your analysis, you refer to some sources on theory or methodology, please cite these appropriately. If you are analysing a transcript, you must include your transcript in an appendix.

2. A few examples of qualitative analyses — this is by no means an exhaustive list:

* Grammatical description of an unfamiliar language ?
* Positioning in conversation ?
* Ethnographic description of a social network or community of practice ?
* Narrative structure ?
* Inter-cultural miscommunication ?
* Constraints on code-switching ?Presentation guidelines ?Figures, tables, and appendices (not included in word count)

3. You may use appendices to include raw data that you might have used such as interview questions, transcripts, sample texts (if a text corpus was used), etc. ?

4. Figures and tables are useful ways of representing some types of data succinctly and clearly. A few examples of uses of figures and tables in qualitative analysis: a diagram of physical space or of a social network, a summary of biographical details, a figure of abstract concepts in a model. ?Footnotes, bibliography, and general guidelines

5. Use footnotes only for crucial information that would break the flow of the text. ?

6. Cite work and format references appropriately. It’s best to rely on online guides for the Harvard system, e.g.: http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm ?

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