International Development & Social Policy

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Assessments for the module are:


1 x 3,000 word end of term policy briefing document due Monday 15th May 2017 (60%)



Note: Failure to conform to the word limit will incur a penalty. This assessment has been confirmed by the external examiner.


The final assessment is a written policy briefing responding to a social policy challenge in a developing country context that is designed to address a high-level meeting on social policy and development being convened by the ILO. Your task is to write a policy brief to support the participation of a Ministerial-level delegate attending this meeting. As a guide, your policy brief should contain the following elements (though not necessarily in this order):


  • Title
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • The body (the main text)
  • Recommendations
  • Policy implications
  • Conclusions

Topic choices need to be approved by the module leader prior to final submission. Further guidance will be provided on the ‘Assessment’ tab of the VLE, including ‘how to’ information about putting together a policy brief and numerous examples of policy briefs published by a diversity of organisations aiming to raise awareness around particular issues or to advocate for specific policy outcomes.


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