Reseаrсh Questіons аnd Hypotheses
In 250 words, List 10 researсh question in preparation for the following sections and why you choose your topic of domestic violence among law enforcement? How does literature reviews support your research question? Part 1: I ask that you spend about 1 full page identifying domestic violence among law enforcement. You must create a brief problem statement based on literature (who, what, where, when, why and how) must be described along with three APA citations that are no older than 2008. This section needs to be very specific. Part 2: Spend the majority of the paper writing ten potential research questions that you identified above as well as hypotheses for each of them. Clearly identify the independent and dependent variable for each research question. Part 3: Please end the paper with a paragraph or two identifying your biases as a researcher. No matter the kind of research you must be aware of what you bring to the research. You must spend at least a full paragraph on this section.