A. Professional Presence 1. Discuss the differences between two models of health and healing as theу relate to what it means to be human. Note: Models may include рhysical body, bodymind, bodymindsрirit/bioрsychosocial, eastern model, western model. 2. Analyze differences between one of the models discussed in part A1 and your professional presence (include your current beliefs, attitudes, and actions regarding health and healing). 3. Discuss how your professional presence (mindful or distracted) influences your nursing practice. C. Mindfulness Practice 1. Develop a mindfulness practice plan consistent with your interests, goals, and beliefs by doing the following: a. Create two specific goals for each of the four Aspects of your whole person (physical, vital/rhythmic, mental/emotional, and biographical/spiritual body) to maintain balance. b. Discuss how you will achieve each of the goals created in part C1a, including how you will adjust to the changing of your whole person. D. Healing Environments 1. Analyze two direct patient care optimal healing environments in healthcare (i.e., 2 healthcare facilities that provide direct patient care) to identify the elements of internal, interpersonal, behavioral, and external environments. 2. Discuss how you intend to apply selfawareness and insights gained from part D1 to promote professional presence in your current healthcare setting. E. When you use sources, include all intext citations and references in APA format