LENGTH: 3 cоmрleted, sequentіal lessоn plans based оn the NSW K10 Englіsh Syllabus(2 pages each)(see examples of formats attached), 1 summary paragraph for school newsletter (500 words) and 1 analytic reflection on one’s own learning (800 words) You will be presented with one scenario of a classroom and school setting. From this scenario, plan a sequence of 3 lessons; one each relating to the following three modes or skills: (1) speaking& listening, (2) reading& viewing. (3) writing & representing. A LESSON PLAN FORMAT HAS BEEN ATTACHED AND MUST BE ADHERED TO. (To view all outcomes and content for a given stage organised by modes or skills, go to: https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/english/englishk10/es1tos1content/) At least one of these plans should be explicitly designed to promote multimodal literacy(children learning about the ways we communicate through different modes)and at least one should be explicitly aimed at promoting critical literacy(children questioning the ways language and other modes are used to support specific social positions and biases, and texts are designed to influence their audience to adopt such positions). At least one of the plans must incorporate the following book Lirrmiyarri, G. M. M., & Lofts, P. (1987). How the kangaroos got their tails. Lindfield, NSW: Scholastic. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSBEGg2XiE At least one of the plans must incorporate new technologies (e.g. interactive picture book apps; interactive white board; tablet computers; etc.) 1.You will submit the 3 detailed lesson plans. A LESSON PLAN FORMAT HAS BEEN ATTACHED AND MUST BE ADHERED TO. Please remember, for this assignment you need to demonstrate good familiarity with new NSW K10 English curriculum documents, so each experience must include: Outcome: Using the new NSW K10 English Syllabus select the outcome for each experience/lesson. Outcome code and full written outcome must be included. (To view all outcomes for a given stage, select the stage here: https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/stages/) Key (content) process/es and intended learning: Identify suitable key (content) processes and intended learning for each experience/lesson (see diagram in Appendix). Values & attitudes: include objectives related to values and attitudes (All objectives are listed here: https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/english/englishk10/objectives/. Only those related to knowledge, understanding & skills are incorporated and coded into the outcomes (AE); see for example Figure 1 below and this table: https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/assets/global/files/english_continuum.pdf) Resources and equipment needed to implement each experience/lesson Activity: As per your lesson plan, catering to the children’s strengths, developmental levels and interests, background and cultural factors Evaluation: Explain how you would evaluate the lesson and assess the children’s learning and engagement, clearly showing links between outcomes and assessment strategies. 2. You will also write a “hypothetical” summary paragraph (250 words maximum) suitable for inclusion in the class/school newsletter in friendly but professional language to be sent home to parents about the activities you have worked on for the week. 3.You will write an analytic reflection on your learning (800 words maximum) outlining your learning related to this assignment. Remember to support your thinking with reference to your wide reading around these ideas (with reference to at least 8 texts: unit readings, recommended readings, relevant journal articles, etc). The references and ideas presented in this section should demonstrate clearly that you have used relevant research to analyse the selected scenario and design the lesson sequence
SCENARIO You are preparing your literacy lessons for a group of children in a Kindergarten classroom at a school in a small country town in far western NSW. Many of the families have been here for generations and the community has approximately 20% of families who identify themselves as Aboriginal. The drought has affected the town economically and many families are struggling financially. Some children do not come to school reliably. The school has many support services. The school consists of large old openplan classrooms with plentiful outdoor and playground space. It has no assembly hall or covered gathering space. There are 25 children in your class, 13 boys and 12 girls. Most of the children are from Standard Australian English speaking families although a number also speak Aboriginal English as their first language. The families are interested in their children’s education but many do not know how to help their children with their schoolwork or their homework. The children are lively, interested and mostly keen to learn. They love popular culture, play sport at the town’s oval and enjoy the school’s strong emphasis on using the resources of the local Aboriginal community. It is Term 2, and most of the class are Early Stage One and a very few are moving into Stage 1 To download the new NSW K10 English Syllabus, select it and download it from this page: https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/download/ To view the interactive version, go here: https://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/english/ Support materials (including advice and samples on programming and planning) are available here: https://syllabus.nesa.nsw.edu.au/english/englishk10/supportmaterials/