2. The assignment should report on relevant aspects of the decision analysis process to include providing the complex decision context using a decision hierarchy and decision quality diagram, structuring an appropriate requisite decision model within that context, evaluating the decision model, assessing the decision analysis performed and recommending a decision based on the completed decision cycle. 3. The assignment should describe the process used to analyze the decision, and provide decision analysis artifacts covered throughout the course including at a minimum a requisite decision model that includes an influence diagram, a decision tree, a sensitivity analysis, and one or more additional analyses. The analytical hierarchy approach should only be used as a backup/secondary approach to compare to the main decision analysis. 4. The assignment should report on the outcome of the decision analysis effort – what decision is recommended and the main justification points. 5. The assignment should include anticipated results (what the students anticipates might happen) from implementing the recommended decision. Tool used: Precision tree 7.5.1 excel add in one of the sources must be; Making Hard Decisions 3rd edition, Robert T Clemen and Terence Reilly