Key: – 5000 words – Minimum of 5-6 diagrams/charts/tables – A range (minimum 5-6) of photographs from books, magazines, internet (please use a mix range and only from internet) – Variety of references, videos, documentaries, data collections/surveys, books, quotes, etc – Appendix – Show critical thinking – Use of high quality language – Title – Main title and a sub title which could be a question or a quote – On title page add 1 key image to represent the whole topic Points to consider: – An analysis of the development of Wembley in relation to the Abercrombie plan and the gal plan – What was it like before the Abercrombie plan….what happened to it before the war – Bomb site .org – What Abercrombie talks about – The border principle could work out for Wembley – What does it propose should happen the suburb ring – What happened then post 1944 – Between 1944 and 2016 – What was the 2016 plan for that area – Whether it is ring or special recommendation – End with a question mark – What is going to be done – Are there any plan – Is that plan put into practise – Proposals made for the high street – Are they going to happen – Does it going to happen? – Social and economics factors – Pre-war – Post war – Conservation area reports – brief history of Wembley – Archives – The way it developed what was proposed and what actually happened… – Show Wembley on the maps exactly – More summary in the history of Wembley – Don’t have actual dates say in the last decades the 19th century these things happened – Use dates in the same way as using quotations … use it in a way they are really important if only critical to you’re discussions – Don’t talk about the plans if it doesn’t relate to Wembley – Important part introduction and conclusion – Foot notes The Draft is attached along with this file. It has some key information however, it is not linked together. The Abercrombie plan and the GLA plan needs to be analysis for Wembley. Almost like seeing Wembley’s development through the eyes of Abercrombie and GLA plan. This draft is just to help you with some information, but you should write the dissertation again. Introduction and conclusion needs a lot of attention. Also the conclusion could end as a question mark, about the future development or the impact current development could have on the future and the possibilities. Presentation of the Final Essay It is important that the essay which you produce is clearly written and illustrated, fully referenced, with footnotes and a bibliography of sources used; books, articles, web references etc. It should also be well-designed and well-printed. Make it attractive, an enhancement to your portfolio. We are looking for a coherent, effectively written (and illustrated), well argued text which demonstrates originality of thought and the judicious use of sources. You should aim to be persuasive and interesting, but remember that first you must interest yourselves. Referencing As you know, it is very, very important that you give credit to those that have influenced the way that you have written your paper. One of the worst things you can do when writing a paper is to forget to do this. It is fine to quote extensively from texts that you have read, as long as you make it very clear that you are quoting or paraphrasing someone else. If you do not do this then you WILL be accused of plagiarism, and the penalties at this level can be severe. Plagiarism ‘…can be defined as submission for assessment of material (written, visual or oral) originally produced by another person or persons, without correct acknowledgement, in such a way that the work could be assumed to be the student’s own’.1 Plagiarism covers both direct copying, and copying or paraphrasing with only minor adjustments. A direct quotation from a text must be indicated by the use of quotation marks and the source of the quote (title, author, page number and date of publication); a paraphrased summary must be indicated by attribution of the author, date and source of the material including page numbers for the section(s) which have been summarised. If you need more information about referencing, then please read the library’s advice on referencing and plagiarism. (Go to the Library Services web page, click on the info skills tab and then click on the referencing your work link).