In a minimum of 350 words, complete the scenario below, You will work to integrate developmental theory to practice by exploring typical adolescent development and the issues faced by them. Original work only, no plagiarism. Include references from: Berk, L. E. (2014). Development through the lifespan (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Read the scenario below and use your understanding of adolescent social, cultural, and cognitive development to respond to the questions. Try to evaluate the main problem in the scenario and then use any of the theories or concepts from your Reading to support your response. Be sure you have read the article attached by Dahl
- Dahl, R. E. (2004). Adolescent Brain Development: A Period of Vulnerabilities and Opportunities. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences , 1021, 1–22.
Scenario: Manny
You work as a psychologist in a substance abuse agency and treat adolescents who are alcoholics. Your new client, Manny, is a 14-year-old Hispanic male who lives with his grandmother in a two-room apartment in a poor section of the city. He is physically small for his age and seems to struggle with academic skills (he is functionally illiterate according to the intake assessor). When asked why he drinks, he simply looks at his shoes and shrugs. In fact, he really does not provide much information about anything, which you know is typical of most adolescents. You have noticed that he does become animated when you ask about his grandmother, music, and cars. He was arrested for public drunkenness and assigned to your outpatient treatment program as part of his rehabilitation.
In this session, he finally tells you more about himself and his troubles. He tells you that he has not attended his classes at the high school (he is a freshman) in over 2 weeks. Now, he is afraid to return because he thinks that he will be in trouble and that they may not allow him to return. He says that he realizes that getting an education will help him to leave his neighborhood someday for a better life. He wants to know what to do.
- Given what you know about adolescent development, assess Manny’s main problems. Predict which of the problems might worsen without proper intervention and support your ideas using the concepts/theories from your Readings.
Create a short dialogue of what you would say to Manny to help him to identify his real problem. Then, guide him towards understanding what the real problem for him is, focusing on how his biological development might be interfering with his social development