Assignment Task:
Case Study report 2500 words (8 listed + 5class reading + 7 self search academic references)
Key elements of task: A case study allows for a real-world problem to be identified, discussed and evaluated before a solution is proposed. This includes the development of multiple hypotheses and approaches so that multiple possible solutions can be explored before one is proposed. The paper needs to be focus solely on creative entrepreneurship. Note: literature can be any reference sources i.e. books, articles, other texts, video, papers, case studies, white papers, blogs etc. A mix of sources is recommended.
Brief Topic This is a Master of interior design course branding subject call Creative Entrepreneurship, we need to pretend be a Creative Entrepreneur to create a creative business and solving a real-world problem. The project is a Case study report form but also need to include the business plan as well. So, there are 3 sections in the paper. [Analysis issue] [Similar precedent solution] [Business plan] The issue(real-world problem) Acoustic Issue: Anti-vibration and noise masking Aims & Purpose This paper aims to create a creative business of Acoustic control device to solve the noise issue (which can be related to my background interior design.) The purpose is to promote the development of interior design technology to improve the quality of life.Reduce the negative impact from the sound vibration and noise
The Concept & Idea The existing MuzoCompany hold this incredible technology, but they are only focused on the personal carry, no better application in society. How to expand this incredible technology, allow benefits to multi-field industrials to achieve many possible.Also, increase my creative business profit, accelerate growth, respond to government calls, and promote technology to change life and culture. (* In the paper you need analysis few similar precedent solution, the Muzo is one of them and most key precedent. Because we going to use it to create business.)