Assignment Overview: ‘Peak Stuff’ describes how companies such as Ikea, Unilever, and Heineken believe that actively encouraging sustainable and/or moderate consumption does not necessarily result in declining sales. A proactive approach to sustainability offer a unique selling point for the companies. This assignment requires you to showcase skills and knowledge you have gathered from this course when seeking a new position or a promotion in a firm interested in investing in a sustainable business in young consumer markets. Write a report for the firm demonstrating how you would apply what you have learnt from this course. Aim: This assignment aims to achieve 2 to 5 learning objectives and develop some of the generic skills listed in the unit outline. Tasks: 1. Explore sustainable consumption among young consumers. 2. Identify a sustainable market opportunity aiming at young consumers. 3. Reflecting on Consumer behaviour theories, you have learnt from week 1 to 7, specify key areas that the firm should pay attention to when exploiting the market opportunity. 4. Reflecting on recent consumer behaviour research findings, provide recommendations on how the firm should launch the business. (Tips; (1) explore how Heineken/ Ikea/Unilever embrace market opportunities, (2) review class discussions and readings from week 8-10)
General Format: A sample table of contents of your report: Executive summery Introduction Sustainable consumption among young consumers – Emerging market opportunities – Sustainable market opportunity [proposed market opportunity] and consumer behaviour Recommendations Conclusion Appendices Other requirements: (1) Please refer Summers J, & Smith B. (2014). Report Writing Communication Skills Handbook, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. to find more details on report writing formats. (2) Please use 11pt Times New Roman font. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be one inch (2.54 cm). Line spacing 1.5. (3) The report, references and appendices if any to be assembled in one document and uploaded electronically via Turnitin (available within Blackboard). With all submissions, you need to have read and agreed to the assessment declaration. (4) Your report should be written using Harvard referencing. Helpful information on referencing can be found at Harvard-quick-guide and for more information click: here (5) A minimum of 15 references (minimum of 6 journal articles published after 2015) to be used throughout your report.